I want to deeply thank everyone who participated in ARTMA this year. It
was an incredible show and I think we made about $15,000 for pediatric
cancer research.
Lots of people told me this was their favorite part of all of ARTMA. So
many of our “kids” came and we were overjoyed to see them. The look on
their faces when they saw their drawings come to life was one of pure joy.
Thank you so much.
We DO make a difference. And, we have been invited to do it again. This
is now kind of Morgan Adams Foundation’s “Thing”. We are grateful.
If you have any photos from the event, Morgan Adams Foundation would love
to have them. They can be emailed to:
They also made a film with us in it and I will give you the tube listing
when they give it to me.
See you, I hope, at at least on of these meetings. PS.. Please feel free
to bring treats to the meeting on Sunday. See you soon.
Deborah Carlson